High Profit Management!

High Profit Management!

Available Licenses

US$ 395.00   US$ 295.00 Physical DVD- (Subject to shipping time)
US$ 395.00   US$ 295.00 Download to Own Permanent Access License (2 Devices)

6 or More Products

Description:Buy 6 or more products and receive a 10% discount on your entire order.


Four-hour, three volume DVD or downloadable video series on how to grow and develop a high-profit Search, Recruitment, or Placement firm. From finding, selecting, training, and supervising new consultants to time management for managers, part-time recruiters, maximizing production of current staff. Suitable for owners and managers.

This bundle contains the following products:

High Profit Management! Vol 1 High Profit Management! Vol 1
High Profit Management! Vol 2 High Profit Management! Vol 2
High Profit Management! Vol 3 High Profit Management! Vol 3

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